Warhorse One, the directorial debut of Johnny Strong in collaboration with William Kaufman, presents a grounded and exciting action film. Strong, perfectly cast as the stoic Master Chief Richard Mirko, delivers a believable performance as a haunted soldier. The story follows Mirko’s mission to rescue a young girl named Zoe (Athena Durner) from enemy insurgents behind enemy lines. While some dialogue gets drowned out by music or background noise, it doesn’t hinder the overall understanding of the plot. Strong’s music score, featuring haunting female vocals, complements the movie perfectly. With impressive performances from the villains, especially Todd Jenkins as Youssef, the film builds up to an action-packed final half-hour that showcases Strong’s talent. Warhorse One reaffirms the winning collaboration between Strong and Kaufman, delivering a balance of intense action and heartfelt storytelling. Visit afdah info for more!
Warhorse One 2023
Warhorse One
| July 4, 2023 (United States)
Summary: A gunned down Navy SEAL Master Chief must guide a child to safety through a gauntlet of hostile Taliban insurgents and survive the brutal Afghanistan wilderness.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English