In “Trolls Band Together,” DreamWorks sustains the enchanting allure of its animated series, providing a delightful experience for viewers spanning generations. Meticulously designed to captivate both youngsters and their parents, the film cleverly incorporates ’90s references, boy band nostalgia, and an energetic soundtrack, fostering a nostalgic connection with the millennial demographic. Unlike conventional animated fare, it expertly balances sweetness with genuine charm, featuring stellar voice performances and a profusion of music. The storyline unfolds as Poppy and Branch embark on a mission to rescue Floyd, a captive troll whose essence is exploited by the cunning pop duo Velvet and Veneer, leading them through creatively imagined new worlds marked by diverse animation styles reminiscent of “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Visit afdah info for more!
Trolls Band Together 2023
Trolls Band Together
| November 17, 2023 (United States)
Director: Walt Dohrn, Tim HeitzWriter: Elizabeth Tippet, Thomas DamStars: Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake, Kenan Thompson
Summary: Poppy discovers that Branch was once part of the boy band 'BroZone' with his brothers, Floyd, John Dory, Spruce and Clay. When Floyd is kidnapped, Branch and Poppy embark on a journey to reu... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English