Despite its troubled production history, “The Flash” manages to captivate audiences with its entertaining and character-focused narrative set within the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). Ezra Miller portrays Barry Allen, a criminologist and member of the Justice League, who discovers the ability to time travel. As he attempts to save his parents, he unwittingly alters reality and encounters a younger version of himself in an alternate universe. Together with Supergirl and an older Bruce Wayne/Batman, they confront General Zod and his minions in an action-packed showdown. The film boasts stunning visuals, a gripping score, and standout performances, especially from Ezra Miller, who brings charisma and emotional depth to the role of Barry Allen. Despite controversies surrounding Miller, his portrayal shines, making “The Flash” a superhero spectacle with a character-driven core and paving the way for future developments in the DCEU. Visit afdah for more!
The Flash 2023
The Flash
| June 16, 2023 (United States)
Director: Andy MuschiettiWriter: Christina Hodson, Joby HaroldStars: Sasha Calle, Ben Affleck, Ezra Miller
Summary: Barry Allen uses his super speed to change the past, but his attempt to save his family creates a world without super heroes, forcing him to race for his life in order to save the future.
Countries: United States, Canada, Australia, New ZealandLanguages: English