In the ever-evolving world of horror cinema, “All Fun and Games” emerges, promising to warp innocent childhood games into spine-chilling nightmares. Set in Salem, Massachusetts, the film introduces a cursed knife and malevolent spirits that force victims into unsettling versions of classic games. While the premise is intriguing, the film falls short in execution. The games themselves lack innovation, missing opportunities for thrilling adaptations. The storytelling neglects basic questions, eroding immersion. The fear factor leans towards cheap thrills rather than genuine chills, relying on abrupt jump scares and hurried editing. “All Fun and Games” ultimately disappoints, failing to become the horror masterpiece it could have been. To excel in the genre, filmmakers must embrace creativity, detail, and suspense, providing a deeper exploration of fear and a more enriching cinematic experience for viewers. Visit afdah movies for more!
All Fun and Games 2023
All Fun and Games
| September 1, 2023 (United States)
Director: Eren Celeboglu, Ari CostaWriter: J.J. Braider, Eren Celeboglu, Ari CostaStars: Asa Butterfield, Annabeth Gish, Natalia Dyer
Summary: A group of Salem teens discover a cursed knife that unleashes a demon that forces them to play gruesome, deadly versions of childhood games where there can be no winners, only survivors.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English